Saturday, December 31, 2011

Inspirational Words of Carl Sandburg

Rebels With a Cause looks to the future while admiring the past. In the last 100 years there have been many rebellious American writers who have pointed the way forward. And we draw on all of them for inspiration. One poet who has fallen out of favor is Carl Sandburg. Perhaps he is too rough, too simplistic. His writing speaks to an industrial America that no longer exists and is rarely mythologized. The broad-shoulder brother of Chicago speaks to a Midwestern independence that seems suspiciously patriarch, insolent, and naive. Yet in the midst of Sandburg's bravado of muscular arms and steel, there are messages that carry on today.

In his poem "Prairie" he begins by speaking of a land of wheat and milk, but ends with the future.

I speak of new cities and new people.
I tell you the past is a bucket of ashes.
I tell you yesterday is a wind gone down,
 a sun dropped in the west.
I tell you there is nothing in the world
 only an ocean of to-morrows,
 a sky of to-morrows.
I am a brother of cornhuskers who say at sundown:
To-morrow is a day.

Why Are We Here?

There are no more excuses for what we want to read and what we want to write. Since the invention of the Gutenberg press, the idea of publishing and spreading the written word has been the separating and defining trait of Western society.  But it has traditionally been in the hands of the few and privileged.

A new wave of technology and social network access has made the idea of the exclusive and limited publishing extinct. In the past, a mainstream publisher needed a house for writers, editors, marketers, graphic artists, PR, and connections to large scale printing presses. Now publishing can happen with a small, dynamic, mobile ehouse of writers, editors, and promoters.

Just like musicians who have experienced total freedom to sell and distribute through alternative networks, authors are ready for their own network of publishing, marketing, and distribution. Writers are ready to be more in control of their words and their dreams.

Rebels With a Cause Publishing seeks to create, sustain, and grow this new frontier in publishing. Traditional publishing does not need to be attacked or degraded. They serve an important purpose. But epublishers seeks to add to the spread of the written word in the 21st century with enhanced books, audio books publishable on iTunes, and instantaneous access of new material directly to Kindle, Nook, iPads, and many other mobile devices.

Join us in 2012 as we start our lineup of new and exciting books.